Equipment/Supplies Needed
- Stove/hotplate
- Deep Large wide Pan
- Insulated Gloves (preferably with sticky grip fingers)
- Bottle Brush or Equivalent
- Large Pyrex Measuring Cup
- Dawn dish soap or Claude's Cleaner (Available on our store)
- Open Globe
- Dispose of master fluid in globe
- Set the globe that needs to be prepared in water bath
- Add or remove water to the pan accordingly so the globe does not float or tip over while heating.
- Heat @ 5” of water in the pan until boiling and then turn to simmer to maintain temperature
The globe will be hot to the touch and could burn your hands!
- When the wax is melted in the globe, remove the globe from pan
- Dispose of the wax accordingly in a appropriate disposable container.
- (DO NOT pour it down the drain )
- Remove the coil rinse in hot water, and set aside
- Take the Pyrex measuring cup and pull some of the hot water from the pan
- Carefully pour it into the empty globe-use funnel is necessary.
- Add 4 tsp.of Dawn Dish washing soap or our special "Claude's Cleaner"
- Scrub the globe inside with a bottle brush
- Dump hot soapy fluid
- Round 2
- Take the Pyrex measuring cup and pull some of the hot water from the pan
- Carefully pour it into the empty globe-use funnel is necessary.
- Dump Fluid
- Set aside and Let Cool 10 min
- After 10 min, Run hot water in sink until fully hot
- Rinse globe thoroughly with hot water from tap until globe is clean and suds are gone
- (Do not forget to clean outside of globe to eliminate the water line created from the boiling water)
- DO NOT USE COLD WATER - it could crack the globe!